Miller Brewing Co – WI 341h

Miller Brewing Co opened in 1964 and closed in 1970 it was open for 6 years. This brewery was open for quite a few years so it is easier to find items and advertising than some breweries that did not last long, this can make the Breweriana items less valuable. Breweries doing business after 1960 tended to produced advertising items and breweriana that would not be considered by collectors to be very valuable. In most cases items from this period were mass produced and rather cheap compared to older items. In addition, they are often still very common so they do not tend to have a ton of value. Miller Brewing Co was in an active brewing city. Milwaukee, WI was listed as having 74 breweries, which is quite a few. Sometimes a large number of breweries can lead to an active collecting community that will be willing to pay more for breweriana items than other collectors.

For help finding information about or the value of your Breweriana or Old Brewery items, please contact us:

Breweries listed under Milwaukee, WI 341

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
WI 341aStrohn & Reitzenstein Brewery18541854
WI 341bMenominee Brewery18551871
WI 341cMenominee Brewery18711874
WI 341dMenominee Brewery18741887
WI 341eA. Gettelman Brewing Co.18871920
WI 341fA. Gettelman Brewing Co.19331961
WI 341gGettelman Brewing Corp19611964
WI 341hMiller Brewing Co19641970

Breweries listed under Milwaukee, WI

74 breweries were found for Milwaukee, WI, showing 10 listings nearest to Miller Brewing Co
Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
WI 336aSchwartz Breweryc1856Unknown
WI 337Frederick Schwarz Brewery18621864
WI 338aSenne BreweryUnknown1858
WI 339Stock Brewing Co.19331933
WI 340aStoltz & Krell Brewery18401848
WI 341aStrohn & Reitzenstein Brewery18541854
WI 342Lake Brewery18501851
WI 343aTown of Lake Brewing Co18921893
WI 344aWest Hill Brewery18531858
WI 345Weiss Beer Brewery18691897