Union Brewery – IA 34a

Union Brewery opened in 1853 and closed in 1856 it was open for 3 years. Breweries that are only open for a couple of years like this did not have a long time to produce advertising and collectibles so they tend to be more scarce than breweries with more longevity. As a Pre-Prohibition Brewery, any advertising items or collectibles are likely to be valuable and desirable to collectors as they tend to be hard to find. Union Brewery was in an active brewing city. Burlington, IA was listed as having 11 breweries, which is quite a few. Sometimes a large number of breweries can lead to an active collecting community that will be willing to pay more for breweriana items than other collectors.

  • Address Information: 1302 Mt. Pleasant St
  • Brewery Owner: Peter Hubert

For help finding information about or the value of your Breweriana or Old Brewery items, please contact us:

Breweries listed under Burlington, IA 34

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
IA 34aUnion Brewery18531856
IA 34bUnion Brewery18561888
IA 34cWertmueller & Ende Co. Brewery18921902
IA 34dEnde Brewing Co.19021905
IA 34eEnde Beer Co. Brewery19051915

Breweries listed under Burlington, IA

11 breweries were found for Burlington, IA, showing 10 listings nearest to Ende Beer Co. Brewery
Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
IA 24aWestern Steam Brewery18551868
IA 25aG. J. Bosch & Co. Breweryc18511877
IA 26aWm. Dambmann & E. Willem Brewery18561859
IA 27aHawkeye Brewery18681869
IA 28aIowa Brewery18561859
IA 29aCity Brewery18561858
IA 30A. Kammerer Brewery18741875
IA 31aMoehn Brewing Co.19041916
IA 32aCharles Mueller Brewery1849Unknown
IA 33A. Stenger BreweryUnknownUnknown