Kalamazoo Steam Brewery – MI 183c

Kalamazoo Steam Brewery opened in 1873 and closed in 1878 it was open for 5 years. Breweries that are only open for a couple of years like this did not have a long time to produce advertising and collectibles so they tend to be more scarce than breweries with more longevity. As a Pre-Prohibition Brewery, any advertising items or collectibles are likely to be valuable and desirable to collectors as they tend to be hard to find. Kalamazoo Steam Brewery was in an active brewing city. Kalamazoo, MI was listed as having 15 breweries, which is quite a few. Sometimes a large number of breweries can lead to an active collecting community that will be willing to pay more for breweriana items than other collectors.

  • Brewery Owner: George Neumaier & Co.

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Breweries listed under Kalamazoo, MI 183

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
MI 183aKalamazoo Steam Brewery18601869
MI 183bKalamazoo Steam Brewery18691873
MI 183cKalamazoo Steam Brewery18731878
MI 183dKalamazoo Steam Brewery18781884

Breweries listed under Kalamazoo, MI

15 breweries were found for Kalamazoo, MI, showing 10 listings nearest to Kalamazoo Steam Brewery
Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
MI 179Jacob Harland BreweryUnknownc1850
MI 180aPeter Heirboldscheimer Breweryc18601861
MI 181James Holmes Brewery & Saloonc18601861
MI 181.2Kalamazoo Brewing Co.19341934
MI 182Kalamazoo Spring Breweryc18601861
MI 183aKalamazoo Steam Brewery18601869
MI 184aCold Stream Brewery18811883
MI 185Henry F. Schoenheit Brewery18961897
MI 186Frank's Brewery18601884
MI 187Gustavus Sepaman BreweryUnknownc1860