Nicholas Ameis Brewery – MI 53.1

Nicholas Ameis Brewery opened in 1862 and closed in 1863 it was open for 1 years. Since it was only open for a short period of time items for this brewery can be accurately dated and are likely to be rarer than normal As a Pre-Prohibition Brewery, any advertising items or collectibles are likely to be valuable and desirable to collectors as they tend to be hard to find. Nicholas Ameis Brewery was in an active brewing city. Detroit, MI was listed as having 110 breweries, which is quite a few. Sometimes a large number of breweries can lead to an active collecting community that will be willing to pay more for breweriana items than other collectors.

  • Address Information: Clinton St between Dubois & Saint Aubin

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Breweries listed under Detroit, MI 53.1

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
MI 53.1Nicholas Ameis Brewery18621863

Breweries listed under Detroit, MI

110 breweries were found for Detroit, MI, showing 10 listings nearest to Nicholas Ameis Brewery
Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
MI 53aHenry Arndt Brewery18621866
MI 53.1Nicholas Ameis Brewery18621863
MI 53.2Frederick Ams Brewery18481865
MI 54aAuto City Brewing Co.19111919
MI 54.1aWm. Beal & Sam. Richardson Brewery18641868
MI 55Paul Beider Brewery18821884
MI 55.1Orlando Bellows Brewery18641869
MI 56Berlin Weiss Beer Brewing Co.18901893
MI 56.1aWilliam Bonninghausen & Son Brewery18641865
MI 56.2aJohn Buehringer Brewery18641864