John Young & William Wernberg Brewery – IN 75a

The John Young & William Wernberg Brewery began in 1834 and ceased operations sometime around 1840 meaning it was open for approximately 6 years. This brewery was open for quite a few years so it is easier to find items and advertising than some breweries that did not last long, this can make the Breweriana items less valuable. As a Pre-Prohibition Brewery, any advertising items or collectibles are likely to be valuable and desirable to collectors as they tend to be hard to find. John Young & William Wernberg Brewery was in an active brewing city. Indianapolis, IN was listed as having 18 breweries, which is quite a few. Sometimes a large number of breweries can lead to an active collecting community that will be willing to pay more for breweriana items than other collectors.

  • Address Information: Maryland St

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Breweries listed under Indianapolis, IN 75

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
IN 75aJohn Young & William Wernberg Brewery1834c1840
IN 75bFaux Breweryc1840Unknown

Breweries listed under Indianapolis, IN

18 breweries were found for Indianapolis, IN, showing 10 listings nearest to Faux Brewery
Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
IN 62aAmerican Brewing Co.18971910
IN 63aPeter Balz Brewery18741877
IN 64aCapital City Brewing Co.19051915
IN 64.1Circle City Brewing Co.19341934
IN 66aHarting & Bro. Brewery18741877
IN 67Albert Hitzelberger BreweryUnknown1888
IN 68aHome Brewing Co.18911897
IN 69aGack & Biser Brewery18591863
IN 69.1Home Brewing Co.19331933
IN 69.2Hoosier Brewery Inc.19331933